Understanding Kratom: Exploring the Drug and Its Effects

Kratom – Let’s Understand.

In recent years, discussions about the opioid crisis have been widespread. Amidst this, there’s a quietly talked-about player called Kratom, a drug that health experts say acts like an opioid but doesn’t require a prescription.

Representative Matt Walz from Keystone Treatment Center emphasizes, “Their focus is on profit, not your health.”

Kratom originates from a tree in Southeast Asia, and it’s used in various ways, according to Jeremy Daniel, an associate professor at SDSU. People chew the leaves, smoke them, or brew teas for the desired effects, with outcomes differing based on dosage.

“At doses of two to four grams, you get more stimulant-like effects. As you increase to three to six grams and beyond, you start seeing more opioid-type effects,” explains Daniel.

Walz, dealing with patients at Keystone, notes why they turn to kratom. “Many see it as a way to get high without facing legal consequences for substance abuse. They want to experience a high but still appear sober. So, they turn to kratom.”

However, abusing any drug comes with consequences. Daniel points out, “Adverse effects of kratom resemble those of prescription opioids—constipation, inability to operate machinery, lack of focus, and potential dependence.”

“People using kratom heavily may experience mental health issues, psychosis, liver failure, and heart problems,” adds Walz.

Kratom’s addictive nature makes it hard to quit. “It affects a specific brain receptor, leading to addiction or a drive to continue using,” says Daniel. Walz highlights, “Users often find they need increasing doses to achieve the same effects.”

While some claim kratom is a good painkiller or mood stabilizer, both Daniel and Walz recommend exploring other options. Walz advises, “Talk to your doctor or mental health provider instead of going to a vape shop.”

Daniel concludes, “I generally discourage its use due to a lack of safety and efficacy studies.”

For those struggling with kratom, Walz offers a message of hope: “At Keystone Treatment Center, we believe in the power of recovery. No matter the addiction, there are programs and services that can help.”

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