Tragedy! Accident Takes The Life of Another Maine Ice Fisherman

A man in Maine, Walter Demmons, tragically lost his life while checking the thickness of ice on a lake. He was with a friend, preparing to fish in Quakish Lake, when the ice cracked, causing both of them to fall into the freezing water. This incident occurred in T3 Indian Township Purchase, about 8 miles southwest of Millinocket.

Walter and his friend were drilling holes to measure the ice thickness when the accident happened. Despite their efforts to communicate and return to the ice, Walter slipped under the surface and didn’t make it back. His friend, after getting back on the ice, called 911 for help.

The Brownville Fire Department brought an ice rescue raft to the scene, and Walter’s body was recovered about an hour later. The friend, treated for hypothermia, survived the ordeal.

This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of early-season ice conditions. Game wardens emphasized the importance of being cautious and aware of ice thickness while engaging in activities on frozen lakes.



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