The Unforgettable Mix-Up of Erwin Kreuz in Maine

Erwin Kreuz, a 49-year-old brewery worker from Bavaria, Germany, was excited for his first trip abroad in October 1977. He was headed to San Francisco from Frankfurt on a World Airways flight. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he mistakenly spent two weeks in Bangor, Maine, thinking he was in San Francisco. This mix-up not only changed Kreuz’s life but also made headlines and became a memorable story in Bangor.

Kreuz’s flight had a stopover at Bangor International Airport for refueling. Mistaking a flight attendant’s farewell as a welcome to San Francisco, Kreuz disembarked and went through customs in Bangor. Despite the absence of iconic San Francisco landmarks, he spent four days exploring the area, confused by the presence of Chinese restaurants, a cuisine famously associated with San Francisco.

Realizing his mistake after a taxi driver informed him of his actual location, Kreuz was taken to a German restaurant in Old Town, where he learned about his actual whereabouts. This story caught the attention of a local newspaper, and soon Kreuz became a local celebrity.

Kreuz was warmly welcomed in Bangor. He received the key to the city, became an honorary member of various local clubs, and celebrated his 50th birthday at a McDonald’s by his choice. He even received three marriage proposals and a piece of land in St. Francis, Maine.

This story gained national attention, with coverage in Time Magazine and NBC’s “The Today Show.” German magazines also reported on Kreuz’s unexpected adventure.

Bangor historian Richard Shaw and photographer Magnus Stark noted that Kreuz’s story resonated with many because of the warm reception he received from the locals. Stark, who became fascinated by Kreuz’s story, revealed that Kreuz grew up in East Germany and moved to West Germany after World War II. He was a skilled brewer and cheese maker with a carefree attitude, which helped him during his accidental stay in Maine.

Kreuz’s story took another turn when San Francisco heard about his mishap. The San Francisco Examiner flew him to the city for a proper visit, where he met the mayor and toured famous spots.

However, Kreuz’s luck changed upon returning to Germany. He lost his job due to the extended vacation and his candid preference for a rival brewery’s beer. Kreuz visited Bangor again in 1979, seeking employment but only found an offer to work as a janitor at the newly opened Bangor Mall, which didn’t align with his professional aspirations.

Despite these challenges, Kreuz remained grateful for his experiences in Maine. Little is known about his life after his return to Germany. If this incident had occurred today, Kreuz could have found opportunities in Maine’s thriving craft brewery scene.

Kreuz’s accidental journey to Maine and the warm embrace he received remain a charming and quirky chapter in Bangor’s history, illustrating the community’s hospitality and Kreuz’s memorable adventure.

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