Rockland Inching Towards Making Mayor Removal Easier

Rockland is taking steps to make it easier to replace the mayor, and it’s getting closer to happening.

City councilors decided on Monday night that a proposal to change the rules for removing Rockland’s mayor will have a public hearing next month. If things go well at the hearing, it might even go to a vote by the people.

The proposed change to the city’s rules would let the council choose to remove mayors from their job in the middle of their term, for any reason. Then, they could pick another councilor to take over. The public hearing is set for January 8.

In Rockland, being the mayor is mostly a symbolic role. It’s held by a city councilor who runs meetings and shows up at events like ribbon cuttings. However, they don’t have many extra powers. The new rule wouldn’t kick the mayor out of the council, but it would take away their symbolic role.

The council agreed by a vote of 5-0 to move the proposal to a public hearing.

If the people vote in favor after the January hearing, and the changes are approved in November 2024, they will start right away.

This change to the rules was suggested in October. Some people were concerned about the former mayor’s “performance and temperament,” according to ex-city councilor Sarah Austin. The former mayor, Louise MacLellan-Ruf, hasn’t commented on the proposal.

Right now, the rules only allow removing the mayor for really serious reasons, like breaking ethical rules. But this new rule would let the council decide to remove the mayor at any time, for any reason.

On Monday night, the council also agreed by a vote of 5-0 to accept a donation of over $34,000 from the Knox County Homeless Coalition for the city’s new emergency warming center.

They also made rules for the warming center. Until December 31, it can be run by staff who are checked but not trained. After that, a trained leader will be in charge until April 1. After April 1, everyone working at the center must be trained in CPR.

The rules also explain how to set up, take down, and run the center, and they make sure the rights of the center’s guests are clear.



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