Orrington Residents Deciding Rules for Where Some People Can Live

Orrington residents are going to vote on a rule that decides if people on the sex offender list can live close to schools and churches. They had a meeting to talk about three different rules they might choose, and people will vote on their favorite one on December 11th.

The three rules all say that sex offenders can’t live within 750 feet of places where kids usually go, like schools and parks. The town likes the third rule the best, and it’s the only one the town leaders support. It has a little difference from the other two rules. If a sex offender already lives in Orrington within the 750 feet, the third rule won’t make them move. But the other two rules might make them move.

People had a meeting to ask questions and learn more about the rules. They want to make sure the rules are fair and legal. On December 11th, residents can go to the town office to vote on the rule they want from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.



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