Mainer Kills 100+ Animals. She’s 13.

Laurelai Winslow, a 13-year-old from Damariscotta, Maine, has achieved an impressive feat in hunting—she has successfully hunted over 100 game animals, including 35 big game animals like deer, bears, moose, caribou, elk, and turkeys. Laurelai’s journey began at the age of 6 when she shot her first game animal, a rabbit. Her most recent accomplishment was fulfilling her dream of hunting an elk in Montana.

Laurelai’s hunting experiences include her first white-tail doe deer at 6 and her first buck at 8. She achieved a hunting grand slam—hunting a moose, a bear, a deer, and a turkey—in 2021 when she was just 11. Her dedication to hunting and outdoor activities extends to fly fishing, where she excels at catching trout and bass using a fly rod.

Her success is not just luck; Laurelai puts in hard work, including target practice and learning how to scout for game animals. Her recent elk hunt in Montana was the result of eight years of dedication and preparation. She saved her own money to fund the hunt and worked tirelessly to develop the skills needed for success.

During the Montana elk hunt, Laurelai’s careful preparation paid off. After spotting a large elk, she had to stand and make an 80-yard shot, replicating a similar shot she had made in Maine the week before. Despite the challenges, Laurelai made a successful shot, and the elk was estimated to weigh 550-600 pounds dressed.

Laurelai’s room is a testament to her hunting history, adorned with mounts and taxidermied animals from her special hunts. However, she remains a typical 13-year-old with a pink fly rod and a purple camo 20-gauge shotgun. Beyond hunting, Laurelai aspires to get her Maine guide’s license, pursue photography and interior design, and continue her journey as a skilled sportswoman.

Her father, Tim Winslow, expresses pride in watching Laurelai grow as a sportswoman, emphasizing the hard work and dedication she puts into her passion for hunting.



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