Maine Report Points At High Rates of Sexual Offender Re-offending.

A recent report from the Maine Statistical Analysis Center, part of the University of Southern Maine’s Catherine Cutler Institute, sheds light on the issue of sex offender recidivism. The study focused on the period from 2005 to 2019, examining 905 records of individuals released from prison after committing sex offenses.

The key findings revealed that nearly half (43%) of Maine’s sex offenders reoffended within five years of release. This rate was significantly higher than Massachusetts, which had a 25% recidivism rate. The study emphasized the importance of understanding the differences in criminal laws and procedures between the two states.

The report also delved into the characteristics of offenders, highlighting that 90% were white males. Offenders whose most severe offense was a misdemeanor had a 45% higher recidivism rate than those with a felony-level offense. Notably, offenders targeting adults, not children, had a 45% higher recidivism rate than those who committed crimes against children.

Age played a significant role in recidivism rates. For every 10-year increase in age at release, the likelihood of reoffending decreased by 21%. Additionally, individuals released into supervision had a 38% decreased risk of recidivism for every 10-year increase in age at release. Those released without supervision faced a 61% higher risk of reoffending compared to supervised individuals.

The study also revealed a connection between the type of facility and recidivism. Offenders released from maximum-security facilities were 2.4 times more likely to reoffend than those released from medium-security or lower-level facilities.

In summary, the report provides valuable insights into sex offender recidivism, emphasizing the need for policymakers to consider these findings when addressing public safety concerns related to sex crimes.



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