Hunting Debate On Sundays: Rules Tweaked in Maine and Massachusetts?

Maine and Massachusetts are the last two states keeping rules against Sunday hunting. However, that might change soon.

In Maine, there’s a lawsuit to figure out if an old law from the 1800s is still needed. This law stops people from hunting big animals like deer, moose, and turkeys on Sundays. In Massachusetts, hunters are also trying to change laws that say no to Sunday hunting.

Most states, around 40 of them, allow hunting on Sundays. The bans in Maine and Massachusetts come from old “blue laws” that also control which businesses can stay open and where you can buy alcohol on Sundays.

Some groups, like those who care about animals and nature, want to keep these bans. But things might be changing. Other states, like Virginia and South Carolina, have already allowed more Sunday hunting in recent years.

People in states where hunting is a big part of life don’t all agree. Some hunters think the laws protect people who own land, while others say the rules take away chances to hunt—or are just plain silly.

A group in Maine, called Maine Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, wants to let people hunt every day. They say it’s important for folks in rural areas who can’t afford expensive groceries.

But not everyone is on board. Some say these laws are from the 17th century, limiting what people can do on a day that used to be for prayer.

The battle is happening on the East Coast, where hunters go after turkeys and deer in the fall. Last year, South Carolina allowed some Sunday hunting on public lands, and Virginia did the same the year before.

In Maine, there’s a court case that might change the Sunday hunting rule. A couple is saying that the state’s Constitution, which talks about the “right to food,” means they should be able to hunt any day. The court is still deciding.

Massachusetts has been working on this issue too. There was progress in 2014, but it stopped. Now, there’s a new plan to let people hunt with bows and arrows on Sundays.

Not everyone is happy about the idea of more Sunday hunting. Groups like Maine Woodland Owners, who represent landowners, think the ban helps keep private lands open for hunting on other days.

Big groups like the National Rifle Association have been pushing for more Sunday hunting for a long time. They say it creates jobs and brings in a lot of money. They also think these laws don’t make sense when it comes to managing wildlife.

But not everyone agrees. Some wildlife managers say changing these laws could cause problems. In Maine, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife spoke against a proposal to allow Sunday hunting earlier this year. The proposal didn’t pass, but the debate is still going on. The head of the wildlife department says it’s been a big argument for years.

Tags: Hunting, Sunday, Bans, Maine, Massachusetts, Lawsuit, Debate, Wildlife, Tradition, Regulation, Sportsmen, Conservation, Opioid Crisis, Addiction, Health, Hope



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