Health Clinics Coming to More Schools in Old Town and Bangor – Get Ready for Convenient Care

**Expanding Health Services for Students in Old Town and Bangor Schools**

Penobscot County Health Care (PCHC) is making school-based health services more available in Old Town and Bangor next year.

These in-school health clinics started in the 1960s and are now spreading across the country. A review in the National Library of Medicine in 2019 explained that these clinics are often set up in schools that serve low-income students or those who have a hard time getting healthcare.

In Greater Bangor, the clinics are growing to give students a way to easily access basic medical care and help with mental health. This is especially important for students whose families face money or transportation problems, or if their parents can’t take time off for appointments.

Kacy Leeman, who manages PCHC’s school-based health centers, says that these barriers often mean students have to wait a long time to get the care they need. Having a clinic in school means they can see medical professionals faster, which might keep them from missing school.

“Our mission is to keep kids in school, keep them healthy, and keep them learning,” Leeman said. “The clinics have been well-liked in Bangor and Brewer, and the Old Town community needs the services, maybe even more given the lack of health care options in the area.”



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