

Maine Lobstermen Stand Against A Stunning Electronic Tracking System

Maine Lobstermen Are Fighting Back. Maine Lobstermen are taking a bold stance to challenge a recently introduced electronic tracking system, which they believe infringes upon...

Lawyers Might Unleash Exclusive Lawsuits Against Gunmakers

Gunmakers Under The Gun In the aftermath of the tragic October mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine is now taking steps to address gun control issues....

Great News: Maine’s 1 Bold Plan to Conquer Substance Use Disorder – You Won’t Believe What’s Inside!

In the state of Maine, a groundbreaking proposal is in the works to confront the urgent issue of substance use disorder. This pervasive problem...

Fort Kent Hospital Nurses Unite for a Monumental Tomorrow – 1 Vote Could Empower

Fort Kent Hospital nurses at Northern Maine Medical Center (NMMC) are casting their votes today to determine whether they will become part of the...

Regulators Squash Plans For “Clean” Energy!?

Maine’s energy regulators are scrapping a developer’s plan to construct a wind transmission line in Aroostook County and are seeking fresh bids due to...

Maine’s Latest Idea the “Land Bank” for Vacant Properties Hasn’t Solidified Itself Yet.

Cities and towns in Maine are getting a helping hand in redeveloping empty properties with the establishment of a new state agency called the...

Florida GOP Suspends Chairman, Urges Resignation Amid Rape Probe

The Republican Party of Florida has taken action against Chairman Christian Ziegler amid a police investigation into a rape accusation. They've suspended him and...

Bangor Police’s New App: Get Ready for New Features

Bangor Police Department Introduces New App The Bangor Police Department has just launched a new app to make it easier for the public to stay...

