Business Owner Gives Restoration Crews Food!

A nearby restaurant expressed their gratitude towards the hardworking line and tree crews that are tirelessly fixing the power situation for Maine folks.

On a sunny Thursday morning, Evenrood’s team from Bangor brought over a bunch of meals to the Versant Power Distribution Center in Hampden. These meals were packed with sandwiches, chips, and fresh fruit.

These dedicated workers, some even coming from as far as Ohio and Michigan, have been toiling non-stop in Maine. They’re on a mission to restore power to the thousands of people who have been in the dark for four long days.

Their appreciation was evident in the photos they shared on Facebook, along with the message, “A big shout out to all the linemen! We truly value your hard work.”

Reimagined By Aibo T.

DISCLAIMER: Author is under many pen names. This article was rewritten based on these links: Bangor restaurant shows appreciation for line and tree crews (



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