Fewer Bangor Kids Without Homes

The Bangor School Department currently has 24 students who are registered as homeless. This is a significant improvement from last year when there were nearly 80 homeless students. The 24 homeless students are spread out in different schools, with Bangor High School and James F. Doughty Middle School having the most.

It’s important to note that none of these students are living in tents or outdoors. They are either staying in shelters, transitional housing, or with family members. The term ‘homeless’ here means that these students lack fixed, adequate, and regular housing, according to the federal McKinney-Vento Assistance Act.

This number of 24 is a positive change from the end of the last school year when there were 79 homeless students and from the beginning of the academic year when there were 48. The decrease is due to some students moving to other school districts or finding permanent housing.

When a student is registered as a McKinney-Vento student, it allows the school to provide them with essential items like clothing, food, toiletries, transportation, school supplies, and even sports equipment. While many of these items are donated, the school also receives funding from the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act to support students in need.

These students remain registered as McKinney-Vento students and have access to resources as long as they’re enrolled in a Bangor school, even if they turn 18. If students graduate, move to another school district, or secure permanent housing, they are then removed from Bangor’s count.



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