50 Artists! Bangor Business Shows Love!

The Rock and Art Shop in downtown Bangor has a special treat for the holiday season: the All Small art gallery. This yearly event showcases the talents of 50 local artists, offering a wonderful opportunity for people to acquire high-quality art as gifts during this festive time.

As we approach the holidays, folks are bustling through stores, diligently checking off items from their Christmas wish lists. However, one Bangor-based business is making the task of finding unique, quality art gifts a bit more convenient. The Rock and Art Shop, nestled in downtown Bangor, hosts the All Small art gallery every holiday season. In this charming gallery, you’ll discover the creations of 50 local artists, each contributing three petite paintings.

Annette Dodd, a co-owner of the shop, sees the All Small gallery as a fantastic way to share art with the community while promoting the idea of gifting art. She explains that running a gallery involves not only curating exceptional work from talented local artists but also encouraging people to appreciate and invest in genuine art. This year marks the third edition of the All Small art gallery, available for viewing from November 1st to January 1st. This extended period ensures that the art remains on display throughout the holiday season.

The holiday season is known for being the busiest and most profitable time of the year. According to Dodd, many of the art pieces exhibited in the gallery find their way under Christmas trees. Supporting local art and its sales carries a twofold benefit. Dodd elaborates, “Encouraging local art and the sales of local art not only supports your local economy by keeping money circulating within the community but also benefits the artists themselves.”

One artist, Peter Walls, highlights how the All Small gallery allows him to transform large and typically expensive murals into more accessible pieces. He remarks, “Larger shows require a substantial amount of effort, and it’s often challenging to attach modest price tags to the larger pieces.”

Randi Watson, an artist and manager at The Rock and Art Shop, recognizes the challenge of balancing work with creative pursuits due to time constraints. Nevertheless, her passion for art and her desire to inspire her daughter motivate her to work extra diligently. She participates in events like the All Small gallery to set an example for her child. “I just want her to know that she can have big dreams and make those dreams come true,” Watson states.

Dodd emphasizes that finding innovative ways to support local artists should be a shared goal. She believes that having artists in the community contributes to its beauty and uniqueness, making it a better place for all. The artworks acquired from the gallery will find their new homes on January 1st, and there are still several pieces available for purchase.

Reimagined By Aibo T.

DISCLAIMER: Author is under many pen names. This article was rewritten based on these links: https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/local-art-downtown-bangor-where-can-i-buy-art-and-handmade-pieces-in-bangor-the-rock-and-art-shop-crafts-crystals/97-cdac7003-f151-4cd8-882e-65c3448b8d1e



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